Sunday, July 6, 2014

Modeling Update - Boy Character Progress

Decided to post a WIP of the boy character where he's at right now. I'm trying to finish all my modeling by Friday (July 11), so hopefully the boy and all his assets will be done by tomorrow so I can concentrate on the girl character and all her assets. Obviously right now his sweater is just a shape block with no details added, but when it's done it should closely resemble the old beat-up sweater in the Rockwell illustration. The shorts are another area I took artistic license, choosing to go with the idea of what kids might be wearing if they chose to play an impromptu game of school-yard football. So instead of donning full gear for a serious game, they would just quickly grab a helmet, and maybe throw an old sweater over their uniform. I'm debating if I want the boy to be wearing a collared shirt or not, I may just leave the collared shirt to the girl and have the boy wear a normal crew neck shirt under his sweater, I think it will go more with the look I'm trying to achieve. I also need to break symmetry on the boots, but right now I'm trying to concentrate on getting the rest of the assets detailed before I go back and make more minor tweaks. His hands are also still feeling a bit off, I think they may be a bit too thin, so that's something else I need to tweak before I can say I'm completely done. And then lastly, still debating how I want to do hair - if I want to sculpt it, use planes with transparency, or use fibermesh.

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