Friday, December 20, 2013

V-Ray Render Optimization

So Akin Bilgic just posted a great tutorial on optimizing V-Ray renders. Definitely going to be using some of these tips when I start getting into my renders.

Check out the rest of his page while you're there, he's got some really great stuff!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Cool Subsurface Resource

Was doing some research on the SSS shaders in V-ray and Arnold and I came across this really great post from Infinite Reality. Basically they did a 3D scan of this guy's head and then freely distributed the model and textures to artists so they could use it for testing various shaders. This post puts together a nice image compilation of renders done in various software packages so you can see how each one handles subsurface. Pretty nifty :-)

infinite reality SSS comparison

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween Rockwell

Stumbled across this gem on CG Hub today - zbrush artist Alex Velasquez sculpted this clever holiday-themed nod to Rockwell and I thought it was very nicely done and deserved a post :-)

(if he was basing his image off a specific piece, I couldn't find it, so I believe he was just mimicking Rockwell's style to create his own composition)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sculpting Update

A few weeks of work sculpting in ZBrush, refining the shapes, forms and proportions before I start adding details and clothing. Starting to look human finally. Also getting used to working with dynamesh, re-projecting detail between subtools, and the new ZRemesher for quick retopologizing. 


Proportions are tricky. Especially when you get used to working with adult characters with adult anatomy and adult proportions, and then you switch to working on kids. I've been referring to the current sculpt of my young boy character as my "alien child".... large head, long torso, lumpy legs... I guess I've got some measuring to do if I want him to end up looking remotely human!